Today's post is way simpler than you might think. The first thing you are going to need is either a photographer or someone who can hold very, very still while holding the camera to take the picture. Tripods work best for this project.
First take the pictures. Make sure that once you take the first photo, you move to a separate location, so that you're not blocking yourself. This is important.
Open the two files in Artweaver. Copy the "top twin" (the one that closest to the camera) and paste over the bottom twin.
Now change your top layer's opacity to 50% so that you can see the "bottom twin" (the one in the background). Select around the bottom twin and delete that area of the top layer.
After you have set your top layer's opacity back to 100, eliminate any "dust" with the eraser tool. Make sure shadows and things like that are showing for both twins.
The final result should look something like this.